
Amélie could feel the adrenaline rushing to her head as she walked up to the starting line. Her nerves were dancing as the whistle blew. She didn’t have running shoes like the other girls.All the girls started jogging she ran but started falling behind. As she ran for the gate and past the corner she slowed she was going to have to conceive her energy if was to make it out in one piece.Ahhhhh. She shuddered another girl down.this was going to be one brutal year 5 race. She passed yet another curve her teacher Mr.Hope was there camera posed. Now the finish line was in sight.

This entry was posted on May 7, 2024. 1 Comment

Pushed and Pulled

HI, in class this week, we have been learning about migrants and immigrants. Then we had to ask our parents why they moved to Australia. There was a range of results, as we are such a diverse class. Next, we had to post why our parents came.


My mum was born here, but her parents were born in Mauritius. They moved here because the education system was better, and they wanted a better life. My dad moved here from England because the cost of living was a lot better.


Thanks for reading bye🥰
















About Me

Hi my name is Amélie I am 10 years old and have a little sister named Charlize.I live in Western Australia and am in year 5 my best friends are Sophie, Scarlett and Bailey I 💕reading and playing with my BFFs👭My favourite animals are crazy crabs as I have 2 of them at 🏡 home.

Holiday Recap

The Holidays were amazing I went camping For a whole week!!! Luckily we were staying at an on suite site so we didn’t have to wait a long time for the loo. It was awesome we got to go on all these cool activities such as high ropes which is where you clime up ladders and zip line from tree to tree!!!!!!❤️❤️

After ALL that camping 🏕️ we went home for a good week’s rest. As you now if you read my previous post I ❤️ to read so I decided to try and reach the goal of 10 books 📚 and reached it!


This entry was posted on April 16, 2024. 2 Comments